What We Do

Olympic Counseling Group, LLC, is a group practice licensed and authorized to provide counseling services to patients in Washington State. We are a group of fully licensed mental health professionals with diverse qualifications and specialties. OCG is founded and directed by Ray Anderson MA, LMHC (to learn more about Ray, see the links above).

Get connected with other professionals

What's Next

How It Works

  • An active independent (non-associate) license in WA State (i.e. LMFT, LMHC, LICSW, etc.)
  • An active malpractice insurance policy
  • A National Provider Identification number (NPI)

As a member of OCG, you'll be part of a growing community of mental health practitioners and can choose to receive group communications to help you in your practice. These may include notifications of upcoming professional development events (CEU's), opportunities for case consultations, or the sharing of therapeutic strategies to help you expand your skills.

Whether you're a newly licensed mental health professional looking to jump start your very own counseling practice or you're a seasoned professional looking for ways to expand your practice, Olympic Counseling Group can help. As a part of OCG, you'll be able to:

From benefit verification to claims submission to tracking payments, we have it handled. You'll simply submit a weekly log of your sessions and we'll take it from there. At months end, we'll send you an insurance report and a paycheck.

You'll be added to our expansive list of group insurance contracts. That means you'll be able to see patients who want to pay you through their insurance. What's more, you won't have to navigate the painstaking maze of health insurance credentialing and contracting. From start to finish, we'll do all that work for you.

As a counseling provider with OCG, you're on your own.... but you're not alone. It's truly your own business. You make all the decisions, including where you practice (within WA), how you advertise, and how you document sessions. For tax purposes, you'll be an independent contractor, not an employee. But our lack of overhead is your gain, something you will see reflected in your paycheck each month. We are simply able to pay you more than brick and mortar "full-service" group practices.

Start taking insurance

Olympic Counseling Group, LLC.

Are you an independently licensed mental health counselor, marriage and family therapist, social worker, or other mental health professional interested in either starting or expanding your own private practice?  If so, we would love for you to be part of Olympic Counseling Group. 

What You Need

Get some help starting your practice

Getting your new counseling business up and running can seem overwhelming. We're happy to answer questions you may have and steer you in directions that will help you build a thriving practice.

Who We Are

Stop worrying about billing

Send us an email for more information. We're happy to answer your questions. If you're interested in moving forward after that, we'll set up either a phone, Skype, or in-person interview/informational session. 



We look forward to hearing from you!