Ray Anderson Counseling

Individual, Couples & Group Counseling

Check out my new book for couples, LOVE METABOLISM.


Groups are challenging, rewarding, and fun! I love the energy! So many real-world social and family issues play themselves out as you interact with trusted group members. You will learn to see how others see you and will gain a much better understanding of how your beliefs, attitudes, and actions affect others... and your own happiness.

I conduct various types of groups, including divorce/relationship transition, grief and loss, and adolescents.


Ever feel like trusted friends and family members see what's going in your relationship better than you do? It's hard enough to see ourselves clearly, let alone the complex dynamics of a romantic partnership! I'll help you to see things from a different perspective, figure out what's at the root of your differences, and find tangible solutions.


Encouraging a healthy blend of insight

self-awareness, and practical strategies

we will roll up our sleeves together and go to work. Change can be a temporarily uncomfortable place, but the rewards for going there are immeasurable! 

Find your happiness... find your peace of mind.